Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) - Practice Test Only


Practice Tests are powered by Gmetrix - The ultimate exam prep companion.

Tackle exams confidently using our platform, offering mock exams with instant feedback and guidance. Practice tests mirror the real exam experience, ensuring familiarity and readiness. With assessments, training videos, and exercise labs, hone your skills comprehensively. Choose between the training mode for step-by-step assistance or the testing mode for real-time exam simulation.

This product includes:

  1. Access to practice tests on all topics available

  2. Up to 30 attempts within a one-year period

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Practice Tests are powered by Gmetrix - The ultimate exam prep companion.

Tackle exams confidently using our platform, offering mock exams with instant feedback and guidance. Practice tests mirror the real exam experience, ensuring familiarity and readiness. With assessments, training videos, and exercise labs, hone your skills comprehensively. Choose between the training mode for step-by-step assistance or the testing mode for real-time exam simulation.

This product includes:

  1. Access to practice tests on all topics available

  2. Up to 30 attempts within a one-year period

Practice Tests are powered by Gmetrix - The ultimate exam prep companion.

Tackle exams confidently using our platform, offering mock exams with instant feedback and guidance. Practice tests mirror the real exam experience, ensuring familiarity and readiness. With assessments, training videos, and exercise labs, hone your skills comprehensively. Choose between the training mode for step-by-step assistance or the testing mode for real-time exam simulation.

This product includes:

  1. Access to practice tests on all topics available

  2. Up to 30 attempts within a one-year period

About GMetrix Practice Software:

  • GMetrix online practice tests are designed to replicate the certification exam experience so test takers can better prepare themselves for test day.

    The practice tests use the same exam format as the certification exams and are mapped to the certification objectives so a test-taker is assured that they are learning and practicing the skills that will help them pass the certification exam.

    GMetrix has two test modes; Testing Mode and Training Mode.

    After the practice test license is purchased, you will receive an email containing the product code and instructions on how to download the GMetrix software and begin taking practice tests.

    • GMetrix accurately replicates a "live application" testing environment.

    • Enhances learning through self-paced practice questions.

    • Builds familiarity with the testing environment.

    • Enhances confidence towards certification exams.

    • Better prepares students to pass certification exams.

    GMetrix has two test modes:

    Testing Mode

    • Students experience what the certification exams will be like

    • Timed practice test present scenario to perform just like the actual certification exam

    Training Mode

    • Students work at their own pace as they receive feedback and step-by-step instructions for each question.

Ready to take on the exam?

The exam voucher enables one attempt at your certification exam.

We have an exam retake option, which allows you a second attempt if you did not meet the requirements to pass your exam. It is a safety net but completely optional.

Additional Exam Information

  • Testing Location: Online

  • Availability: Monthly Sessions Only

  • Time: All sessions are at 3pm NZT

  • Length: 50 minutes

Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) - Exam Only Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) - Exam Only Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) - Exam Only Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) - Exam Only Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) - Exam Only
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Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) - Exam Only
from $149.00